Our story begins with a back injury and my motivation to find a solution. After a fire, when we’re exhausted, is when injuries happen. I’ve ergonomically engineered each tool for easy, quiet operation. They’re designed to help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and qualify as personal protective equipment. Your firefighters would be properly equipped to function as safely as possible during the inherent risk factors that are involved in hose management. The ROLLNRACK® System prevents riding on rigs to load hose and improves a firefighter’s quality of life immediately. They also exceed NFPA 1500 Safety Standards and are eligible for all safety grants. I think you’ll agree, it’s what you’ve been waiting for.
– Javier Fernandez
Owner & CEO / WFD Honor Guard

Injury Retirements
Due To Back Injuries
Injured Firefighter
% Of On Scene Injuries Due To Sprains/Strains
Avg Days Lost Due To A Firefighter Back Injury
According to the IAFF’S annual Death and Injury Survey, back injuries account for 50% of all on scene injuries. “The Economics of Firefighter Injuries in the United States” 2019 NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology US Dept of Commerce), goes beyond the costs associated with direct medical expenses and workers compensation. Significant indirect costs include lost productivity and diminished quality of life. Further, because fire departments are funded from taxes and other public sources of revenue, and the benefits of their services are a common good, firefighter injuries represent a societal cost borne by many. Activities that prevent and mitigate firefighter injuries yield economic benefits to the community.
This report was based on three data sources. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) produces annual estimates of firefighter injuries, illnesses, and exposures. The second was the U.S. Fire Administration’s (USFA) National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) which includes incident-based data on firefighter casualties. The third report is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). It surveys a sample of U.S. employers in their “Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses”
Each of these reports is included in our Presentation Kit.
Our Products Are Proudly Made In The U.S.A.
ROLLNRACK®, LLC is a family-run business. My wife, Rose, and I will always treat you with respect and give you the best in customer service. Our products are manufactured one at a time here in Wisconsin. We are proud of the high quality of our materials and workmanship and that our products are all made completely in America.